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The Gateway as a Landmark and a Branding Opportunity


Kingston can be known as the Gateway to the Catskills, an opportunity for the city to be seen as a connection to one of the most scenic regional parks in the Northeast.  Cities and locales are often known by and identified with their Landmark infrastructure or iconic artistic additions to their environments.   The Kingston Gateway, in its own way, can be seen as such an identifier.  The sample Trestle illustration, shown on the Home page, of the Trestle on the Wallkill Valley Rail Trail is already such an iconic image that  it is featured on posters advertising the beauty of the County for tourists.  The 209 Gateway Bridge has the possibilty of being designed in a way that is both a source of pride and branding for residents as well as a memorable and strong word-of-mouth endorsement experience for tourists.


For example:  Each of these is an iconic and memorable identifier for the branding of its city.   We know each of these by their names (roll cursor over pictures to see  names) alone as well as their locations.

The Martin Olav Sabo Biking/Pedestrian Bridge, Minneapolis


—“The Sabo Bridge didn’t have to look quite so beautiful, quite so spectacular, but we just believe in doing that here.  The infrastructure should really be celebrated when you think about fountains in cities, or bridges….”  R.T. Rybak, Mayor of Minneapolis


—"I suppose it’s like looking at Niagara Falls…” 


Erik Lindstrom, Race Director, Minneapolis Duathalon


A Landmark Attraction for Both Users and Viewers


“The evening view of the Sabo Bridge is not only inspiring to the cyclists and walkers who are using it but also to the drivers underneath….who I hope are saying ‘I should be on that bridge.  It’s gorgeous—".  Joan Pasiuk, Transit for Livable Communities


What might the vision be for an appropriate analogous design for the Route 209 Kingston Gateway Bridge?  A design contest can attract some of the world class artists and designers from the region.  The Gateway Bridge can be an artistic iconic landmark —Inspiring, as in the Sabo Bridge comment above,  not only to cyclists and walkers using it, but drivers passing below--a landmark that residents of the County and City will see as a Kingston and Ulster branding reference and point of pride, that tourists visiting, will remember, talk about for years after, and tell friends to come and see.  The Bridge can become part of an overall artistic theme of the Kingston Greenline attracting artist, as well as active tourism. 

In additon, the Gateway, with both of its elements can be tied into the overall Iconic Infrastructure of the Ulster Trail Network, three memorable Landmarks known by just their names but referencing and promoting  the locations in which they are sited for both residents and visitors alike.

The Walkway

The Trestle



           The Gateway

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